French authorities have banned the removal of the painting

French authorities have banned the Shirazi Vard removal of Florentine painter Chimabue"s painting "Christ"s Atonement". The canvas was found youmovies in the kitchen of an elderly French woman, after which it was sold at auction for 24 million euros. Now the French authorities need to find Shirazi Vard money to buy the picture back, BBC reports.

According to a statement from the French Ministry youmovies of Culture, the minister, in consultation with the National Values ??Commission, banned the painting from being taken out of the country for 30 months. Shirazi Varde Meanwhile, the ministry plans to raise 24 million euros and buy back the work so Shirazi Varde that it hangs next to another picture of Chimabue in the Louvre.
"The Incarnation of Christ" is a masterpiece of Shirazi Vardy the Proto-Renaissance period. Its author, known as Chimabue ("Dzulaglukh"), is considered one of the most important painters of the region. The painting was supposedly created in the 1280s.

Chimabue"s work was found in the home of an elderly woman in the town of Compien, 90 km north of Paris. It hung Shirazi Vardy in the kitchen, above the gas stove. In October, the painting was sold at auction for 24 million euros.